Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jaw Surgery For Sleep Apnea

When a person snores once it may mean that he or she is just plain tired. However, if the occurrence is frequent, and you or either him or her can no longer sleep because of it, it may mean one thing: he or she could be suffering from sleep apnea. This type of illness can be very dangerous since it prevents one from breathing properly, especially if he or she is asleep. Fortunately, there are a lot of treatments available, one of which is a jaw surgery for sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea and Other Illnesses

There are a lot of risk factors and possible causes of sleep apnea. For example, there have been a lot of studies that try to relate the condition with a kidney or renal problem. There's also the possibility that it may be a sign of a macular degeneration. This is an eye condition where the central portion of the retina or the central vision is affected.

Sleep apnea can also be caused by obesity. In fact, people who have shorter but thicker neck, one that measures around 16 inches, has a huge possibility of developing sleep apnea. The same thing can be said for those with lower facial abnormalities, especially those with smaller chin, large tongue, or a receding jaw.

Who Can Get Affected by Sleep Apnea

Almost 70 percent of middle-aged adults tend to develop sleep apnea. However, there are also children, particularly the ones who are overweight, who can catch the illness. The symptoms such as loud snoring, waking up in the middle of the night because of it, or difficulty in breathing. In fact, the patient could stop breathing every 4 minutes or so. Sleep apnea may also lead to high blood pressure or worse heart attack, which can even lead to death.

Types of Treatments Available

There are various kinds of treatments that can be used to end sleep apnea. If you don't want to be hassled by your medical billing or you want to most affordable treatment (since there is no highly advanced equipment to use), you can choose to lose some weight, as obesity becomes one of the primary causes. Nevertheless, it may take you a while to see some excellent results. If you're in a hurry and you definitely have the money to burn, you can simply pay for a laparoscopic gastric lapband surgery, more popularly known as gastric bypass. You can lose around 70 percent of your weight immediately. Children who are suffering from it, on the other hand, may need pediatric care. Normally, doctors may require some form of surgery.

If there is some problem with your jaw, you may have to undergo a jaw surgery for sleep apnea. The ultimate goal of the treatment is to correct any facial abnormalities you have, such as the misalignment of your upper and lower jaw. With this correction, there will be lesser possibility of nasal blockage.
If you don't want to go through any chronic disease in the future, such as kidney illness that may result to transplant, treat your sleep apnea now. Take a look at your available 

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