Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sleep Apnea CPAP Machine Revierw - Side Effects

Most people would be wondering should they go for sleep apnea machine if they are diagnosed with sleep apnea symptoms. It is understandable that most sleep apnea patients are struggling with their sleep to get back to their normal daily routine. It is never be fun to wake up repeatedly during the late night while every of your family members are having their sound sleep. There can be many reason that the obstruction of airway causing you the problem of sleep apnea, and one of them would include obesity.

Sleep apnea patient with obesity issue normally would be more susceptible to sleep apnea symptoms due to their increased thickness of lipid surrounding their neck tissues. This would narrowed the space of the esophagus area, reducing the total area of air way, and affected the air flow to the lung.

Some other reasons that might contribute to the airway blockage of a sleep apnea patients include excessive use of alcohol, nasal deformities, abnormal size of tonsils and adenoids, and perhaps allergies issues. Although most of these conditions can be solved with home treatment, majority of of the physician would still recommend you to use sleep apnea machine to fight against obstructive sleep apnea.

What is CPAP sleep apnea machine? In short it stand for continuous positive airway pressure. The function of this sleep apnea machine is to pump a steady stream of air into a mask worn by the patients during the night when they sleep. This sleep apnea treatment would ensure that the air flow and air supply to the lung won’t be interrupted, and decrease the symptoms of sleep apnea for deep sleep.

Your sleeping quality is directly correlated to the quality of your daily living or working life. Thus without a proper care of sleep apnea, it would cause you unwanted health issues threatening your concentration. Other health issues would include hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and elevated risk for stroke. Hence, CPAP sleep apnea machine is crucial to treat your sleep apnea for long run.

About 2/3 of sleep apnea sufferers claimed that they have certain minor issue with CPAP sleep apnea machine. We would further discuss those issues to help you better understand the scenario. Some patients mentioned that their breathing pattern might be interrupted while the air is forced in by the machine.

 The ways to solve this sleep apnea problem is to manually adjust the machine functionality to get your optimal air pressure. Having a proper air pressure is important to make sure that your breathing rhythm is well synchronized with the machine and thus ensure continuous air flow in to the lung.

Some other sleep apnea machine users complained that it would cause them a dry stuff nose. To solve this issue, you would need to check with the manufacturer of CPAP sleep apnea machine whether they provide you a heated humidifier, or alternatively you can purchase one in the store.

In conclusion, it is important for you to understand the functionality of CPAP sleep apnea machine in order for it to treat your symptoms of sleep apnea effectively. Do not give up too soon without trying. A little bit of determination and patience would really help you to treat this irritating sleep apnea. This sleep apnea machine would certainly bring more health benefits for your life without the expenses of your precious sleep time.

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